Alien: The Strange Life And Times Of Mendelson Joe

Mendelson Joe book AlienBy Mendelson Joe as told to Nadia Halim. Published by ECW Press of Toronto.

He believes that speaking out can make a difference, that women are the only hope for the future, and that there’s truth in a good blues song. He doesn’t believe in God, compromise or schmaltz.

Alien brings together some of the best of Joe’s artwork, along with extensive interviews with the man and the people who know him. Joe holds forth on the things that fascinate him: the female body, motorcycles, rabbits, nature, art and music. He tells of touring the world with his blues-rock band Mainline in the early ’70s, sharing concert stages with burlesque strippers, and discovering a passion for art after rescuing a set of acrylic paints from a garbage can. Published by ECW Press, October 2000, 160 pages, 6″ x 9″, 16 colour photos of M.Joe paintings, 20 black and white photos. ISBN 1-55022-426-23

Price: $18.95 CDN plus GST (5%) and shipping.