Joe’s Politicians

Joe’s Politicians

by Mendelson Joe
published by ECW Press of Toronto.

Joe’s politicians is a series of portraits by Mendelson Joe that parallels a highly charged exhibition from the spring of 2008 at the Art Gallery of Peterborough (AGP).

“In Mendelson Joe’s metamorphic political portraits, eyes redden like the eyes of serpents. Teeth yellow. Tufts of hair are tweaked into devil-horns (Harper, Eves and Condoleeza Rice). And, most disturbingly, people turn into buttock-people, into perambulating assholes. Jean Chrétian now talks out of the side of his anus…” —Gary Michael Dault, “Mendelson Joe: The Political Portraits.

Available for purchase through Cedar Canoe Books in Huntsville, Ontario, ECW Press and through Karen Robinson Gallery.

Published by ECW Press, October 2008, 57 pages, 6″ x 9″, 19 colour photos of M.Joe paintings. ISBN 978-1-55022-821-2